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Is Your Dog Bougie? Take This Personality Quiz to Find Out!

Welcome, dog owners, to our fun and insightful personality quiz designed to uncover whether your furry friend possesses a touch of bougieness! Just like humans, dogs have unique personalities that can range from introverted to extroverted, lovable to passive-aggressive, and even super bougie. So, grab your furry friend and let's get started on the quest to unravel your dog's true character!

Question 1:

How does your dog react when meeting new people?

1) They eagerly approach strangers, wagging their tail and seeking attention.

2) They maintain a cautious distance but warm up after a while.

3) They show signs of aloofness and keep their distance.

4) They display a passive-aggressive behavior, growling or barking at strangers.

5) They demand immediate attention, and people cannot resist their charm.

Question 1:

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

Question 2:

How does your dog behave during playtime?

1) They love playing with other dogs and enjoy a good game of fetch.

2) They prefer one-on-one play sessions or playing with familiar dogs.

3) They enjoy playing in solitude with their favorite toys.

4) They tend to become possessive of toys or resources during play.

5) They expect special treatment during playtime and enjoy luxury toys or accessories.

Question 2:

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

Question 3:

How does your dog react to changes in their routine or environment?

1) They adapt easily and seem unfazed by changes.

2) They may feel a bit anxious at first but adjust over time.

3) They prefer a stable routine and may become stressed by changes.

4) They display passive-aggressive behaviors or act out when their routine is disrupted.

5) They demand extra attention and may become moody or sulky during changes.

Question 3:

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

Question 4:

How does your dog show affection?

1) They shower everyone with love and enjoy cuddling.

2) They show affection selectively, primarily to their closest human companions.

3) They prefer showing affection through independent gestures like leaning or sitting close by.

4) They display affection in a subtle and sometimes mysterious manner.

5) They demand constant attention and affection, expecting to be pampered.

Question 4:

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

Question 5:

How does your dog react to grooming or dressing up?

1) They tolerate grooming sessions and may even enjoy them.

2) They are generally cooperative but may become a bit restless during the process.

3) They prefer minimal grooming and dislike being dressed up.

4) They may resist grooming or dressing up and display passive-aggressive behavior.

5) They love being groomed, dressed up, and adore attention from others.

Question 5:

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4


Add your selected answers from each section together to reveal the results below and discover your dog's personality:
For example (1+2+4+1+4) = 12

5-9 Points:

Your dog could be extroverted and loves socializing with both humans and other dogs.

10-14 Points:

Your dog is likely very lovable and bonds deeply with their favorite humans.

15-19 Points:

Your dog could be introverted and prefers a calm and peaceful environment.

20-24 Points:

Your dog may exhibit passive-aggressive tendencies and prefers most of the time with you rather than with unknown dogs or people.

25 points:

Congratulations, your dog is super bougie and enjoys the finer things in life!

What was your result?

  • First Type 5-9 Points

  • Second Type 10-14 Points

  • Third Type 15-19 Points

  • Frouth Type 20-24 Points

Remember, this personality quiz is all in good fun and is meant to celebrate the unique traits and quirks that make each dog special. Whether your dog is introverted, lovable, extroverted, passive-aggressive, or super bougie, they are a cherished member of your family. Embrace their personality traits and continue to provide them with the love and care they deserve. Happy dog parenting!

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